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lumber bonds boxes tools &c left in and near the mill, to keep a competent miller to run the mill during the term for which I have rented, to have the mill in complete order to manufacture good and merchantable flour (upon the plan proposed by the owner) by the first day of January 1868 to use for putting the mill in such order to make flour all of the gearing now in the mill that can be [[strikethrough]] used [[/strikethrough]] made to answer by alteration or otherwise (the whole expense for putting the mill in the order above named (except for the material and bolting cloth) to be paid by me or my securities in addition to the rent) to boards all hands (free of expense to the owner) employed to repair the mill forebay waterwheel & filling up holes in the milldam the owner of the property reserves right to dispossess me (which I grant)on sixty days written notice for the failure to pay the rent during each year or for violation of any part of this agreement for such [[strikethrough]] further [[/strikethrough]] violation
I further agree to forfeit one years rent in testimony of whereof I [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] hereunto affix my hand and seal this first day of January 1867.

+Agreement (H)
I have this day rented from Mrs. Ann J. Tracy the 
"Rockhill" Mill property for the term of   years, for the sum of two hundred dollars per annum and have given her my bonds with security. I further agree and bind myself to take good care of all the buildings, to put no repairs on any of the buildings at the owner expense without her consent in writing, to keep the fence around the house lot in good order, to use firewood sparingly and to allow no timber to be cut off