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of buying, but on finding that the horse was branded U.S. he declined to do so. Unless he (Pitzer) would give him a good title, which he did not do, but insisted that Welch should take the horse: that it would be all right.  In two weeks Pitzer called on Welch for the pay. Welch then told him that he would not pay any money, unless a gaurantee, but told Pitzer that the horse was in the stable, and he could take him back, which Pitzer would not do, but swore that he would make him pay.  In this way the horse remained in the possession of Welch, and he reported him to the Asst "Pro" Marshal, and received a certificate to keep him until called for, by proper authority. After the officer was with-drawn from the county a third person took possession of the horse, and now refuses to give him up to Welch. And Pitzer brought a suit against Welch and recovered one hundred & eight dollars damage. I respectfully ask for an order to stop the execution of the judgement.
Also for authority to return the horse.

Very Respectfully Your Obt' Servt'
B.F Shaum, Bvt Capt and military commissioner

[[left margin]] Copy furnished for the information of the Asst Commissioner.
B.F. Shaum
Bvt Capt V.R.C. & Asst Sub Asst Commr. [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-28 15:22:41