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James Hawkins being duly sworn, deposes as follows and says :- that he resides three miles from Thomas Patterson's, and has been residing there since Christmas and on the place rented by Robert Holmes. I know of no difficulty between Robert Holmes and Mr Patterson, all I know of the case is: that early on Sunday morning July 7th Robert Holmes came to my room, and asked where my pistol was. I told him it was on the shelf, and with out any permission took the pistol as it has been missing ever since & I know nothing further about the matter.
James Hawking his x mark
Sworn and subscribed
this 1st day of August 1867
before me
B.F. Shaum
Bv't Capt & Military Commissioner
of Bedford & Botetourt Co's Va.

Transcription Notes:
10.28.2023 - Confirmed county names; Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review