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L. 304. R.F.&A.L. Va. 3d V. 1867. 
V. 315. R.F.&A.L. Vol 11. '67. 

Bureau R. F and A.L. 
Head Qrs: 10th Sub Dist Va, 
Alexandria Va Aug 30/67. 

Lee S.P. 
Bvt Lt Col &c

Requests that the appointment of Mr J. C O'Neill be revoked as his services are no longer required as the duty he performed has now ceased, recommends him for any position where his services may be required. 

[[stamp 1]] STATE OF VIRGINIA. BUREAU OF R. F. & A. L. RECD. HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER. SEP 2 1867 [[/stamp 1]] 

[[stamp 2]] BUREAU R. F. & A. L.  WASHINGTON  RECD SEPT 3 1867 [[/stamp 2]]

Forward to [illegible]

Hd. Qrs. Asst. Com. District of Virginia,
RICHMOND, Va., Sept 2nd 1867. 

Respectfully forwarded to Major General O.O. Howard Comr. approved. 

√ O Brown 
Bvt Brig Genl Vols
Asst Comr

War Dep't. 
Bureau R.F.&A.L. 
Washington. D.C. Sep't. 3d 1867. 

Respectfully returned, with letter of revocation enclosed as requested. 
By Order of
Maj-Genl O.O. Howard.
A.P. Ketchum 

Transcription Notes:
Not sure what it says in pencil, at the top of the second page.