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Office of the Military Commissioner for Loudoun 
County State of Virginia,
Leesburg Va, August 13th 1867.
To the Hon. Court of Loudoun County
State of Va Leesburg Va
Gentlemen of the Court:
I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of G.O. No. 51, C.S. Head Quarters First Military District, State of Virginia, and respectfully request that, your action on the same will not be longer defered than the present session of your Court, and that, you communicate your action to me at your earliest convenience that I may be able report the same to the Comdng. General, I now have in my possession an order, the issue of which was directed Octo 8th 1866, by your court, to the effect that, colored paupers should be cared for the same as white paupers are, by the Laws of this State. I am fully aware that, some assistance has been rendered Freedman from time to time by virtue of the above named order. Still however, I have been obliged to send several old and infirmed colored people to Alexandria and elsewhere as the civil authorities had failed to render them the requisite assistance.
Perhaps it would be proper to here add that, one or more of the Districts in which the indigent persons resided there was no Overseer of the Poor, and in order that no