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After the perpetration of the act, complaint was made to a Justice of the Peace, to wit, "George W. Finney"; but he failed to take any action in the matter. I thereupon issued a warrant for the arrest of both the Crums, as for a felony, and had them brought before me. At the investigation, however, it was proved to my satisfaction that the elder Crum did not design that the freedman should be hurt, and that the Son was not a responsible party, he not being of sound mind. I therefore dismissed the charge of felony, and bound over the parties as stated. A ful report accompanied by copies of all the papers bearing on the case, will be forwarded by the same mail which taken this, to the proper authorities.
I am, General, very Respectfully
your Obt. Servt.
W. F. De Knight.
1st Leut. - v.R.G. - Asst. Sub Asst. Comr.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-28 17:18:50