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Thos E. Wylie (white) being duly sworn testified to wit

I was down at Mr Clements last on the 11th of Sept I met Mr Reid at Mr Clements. I asked him to walk with me down to Mr Tender. He very readily agreed to it. He started out & met John Marshall He, Marshall, asked him (Reid) if he had damaged any of his things down at Washes John Marshall told him he did not like for any man to come there, that he lived there, and he intended to protect his property. John Marshall told Mr Reid that he must not come there and interfere with any thing he had. Mr Reid told him he need not cut up about it. Mr Reid told him if he said cut up or anything he would knock him down John Marshall then stooped down & picked up a rock & threw. Both threw about the same time. John Marshall run across the street and picked up two rocks & threw one of them across the street at him & asked him to come out in the road one at a time He then went off. That is all I know about it.