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No. 2

to preserve order fearing a disturbance between the whites and blacks. At the meeting a drunken negro gave insults to one of the leading whites of the county by some remarks and the Captain in a card in the papers disclaimed any connection with the aggressor. Between his presiding over the meeting and his card in the paper, his position was certainly unfortunate as a Bureau officer yet so innocent was he apparently  of doing else than he considered his duty that we can but regret the whole affair.  

Wages are still good - no complaint of destitution. Schools are closed until October 1st. I directed him to forward you his completed Registry Rolls. The action of the civil authorities generally continues about as reported in the 2'd quarter that is the higher courts evince a desire to extend the same justice to the freedpeople as given to corresponding class of whites while some of the magistrates require military supervision to compel Justice. Aside from Capt. Sharps connection with the public meeting I am pleased with his administration of  Bureau affairs since in his division in June he seems scrupulously 