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Office, First Division, Seventh Sub-District,
Lynchburg, Va., Novr 18th 1867

Bvt. Brig. Genl O. Brown
Asst. Commr. Dist of Va.


I have the honor to report that I have taken the testimony in the case of Ned Horton Ced. charged with shooting three cold men on the 22d of October, submitted it to Genl Wilcox & that by his direction I have turned Ned, over to the Civil Authorities for trial.  I could find nothing in the evidence, that the affray had its origin in Hortons having voted the Conservative ticket - as asserted by the press

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Svt
Louis W Stevenson
2d Lt. V R C & A.S.A C

Capt. R.S. Lacey
Agt in charge
7th Sub Dist