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which report is correct except in minor detail, & the assertion that the testimony of the four cold men for the defence was "confused & inconsistent." The Mr McAllister referred to is a brother in law of Mrs McAllister, the Commonwealths witness. The Messrs Goff & Pettigrew living in the the vicinity of where the reported conspiracy was being gotten up - unsolicited rode eight miles this morning to offer themselves as security in any sum that might be asked in bail. Mr. McAllister the Messrs Goff & Pettigrew giving satisfactory security for the good behavior of the accused the coming 12 mos. I released them from jail & dismissed the case. Mrs. McAllister was impeached by the cold witnesses for the defence  The whole affair has the appearance of a conspiracy against the cold people - & no sensible persons who heard the evidence placed any confidence in the statements of the article referred to in the within communication of the 15th inst

Louis W Stevenson
2d Lt VRC & A.S.A.C.
