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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abd Lands
Office Asst Supt Co's Jefferson and Berkeley
Harpers Ferry W Va Jany 19th 1867

I have the honor to state that M. E. Price the owner of the property described on my Report of Abd Lands as rented to Mary A Russell, did on 7th of Dec 1865 sell the same to T A Kirman of this place who on the 19th of January 1866 sold the property to Mrs. Hilary Beal of this place.

The property was bought in the first place by M. E. Price from the Government, to whom he owed a balance of $260; for the same and on the transfer of it to Mrs. Beal the balance due the Govt. was paid and a deed bearing date July 26th 1866 (329 WD Book 36) was given by the Hon. Secty of War, the closing clause being as follows "Now therefore I Edwin W. Stanton Secty of War of the U.S. for and by direction of the President of the U.S. in consideration of the sum as paid, do hereby grant, convey and transfer in fee unto the said Michael E. Price his heirs and assigns forever all the rights, title and interest whatsoever of the United States of America in and to the above mentioned lot or parcel of ground and all the buildings that may be thereon, said lot being bounded as follows. Ninety five feet front on Public Square and running back eighty four feet To have and to hold the same unto the said Michael E. Price his heirs and assigns forever"

This property being no in possession of Mrs. Beal by