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subjoined sworn statements. I should have the testimony of Mr. Rush Austin, but I trust you have it. And without it, I regard it as my duty to recommend that, as it is evident, the civil authorities will take no notice of the whipping and driving off of the freedman and that there is no other redress for him, the following persons should be arrested by the United States Authorities if it can be done, and tried for the crime. Dr. Burd (from South Carolina) Thomas Crosby and Wm Perry. I would recommend also, that the freedman be arrested and examined as to the burning of the factory in order that he may be either convicted or vindicated, and if vindicated, be protected in returning to the farm of Rush Austin to fulfill his contract to farm for him the coming year, should he desire so to do.

I have the honor to be, General,
Very Respectfully, Your Obt. Servt.
W R Morse
Bt. Maj. & Supt. 4. Dist. Dept Poto.