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him very often under the influence of Liquor.  Dont think his conduct in our house, while he boarded with us was such as become a gentleman He was once absent nearly two weeks, in the  months of August or Sept, without permission to my knowledge, and during the same month was gone to Lexington twice without permission to my knowledge.  Lexington was not part of his Sub Dist.
Sworn to before me this 4th February 1867
John A McDonnell
Capt. and Supt.

John H. German, Inst. Burial Corps, says, on the 3d or fourth day after we arrived here, I was absent from camp during the afternoon, and when I returned my messenger handed me a note which he said was left by a gentleman.  The note requested me to call at his house that same evening, and was signed Mr F.J. Tukey I did not know who Mr Tukey was but went to his house.  When I came to his house he was standing in the Porch.  I stepped up and asked him if Mr Tukey lived there!  He said yes, and asked me in then told me it was his practice to invite all Union men who came to town to his house, and treat them as well as he could.  I consider him a good Union man as good as there is in town.  Have never heard the colored people say anything against Mr. Tukey.  All the Union men whom I visit say he administers the affairs of the Bureau better than any other officer who has been here.
Sworn to before me this 4' day of February 1867
John A McDonnell
Capt. and Supt.