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B.R.F.& A.L. Office Asst. Supt
Woodstock Va March 8" 1867

Capt. J. A. McDonnell Supt

In reply to yours of the 7" inst. I have the honor to state, that, for the ground you mention: a deed was made by "John H. Hughes, to the Commonwealth of Virginia", May 9th 1861. "for a certain House and two lots "lots known as lots No 64 & 156," in the town of Strausburg Va" said deed certified to by G A Hupp. J.P. who informs me that the house (which is now in [[?]]) was bought and used as an Army Store house for the Rebel Govt.

The above is the only description on record in the County Court The lots are about one acre in extent

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J. M. Hall
Lt VRC & Asst Supt