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he refers to an order from Bvt. Maj. How, then Supt. of the Dist. and to Oscar's receipt book, to sustain him.  But the order (among the papers referred to me, and dated Mch. 26th 1866) does not state that the pay of Oscar should be reduced to $10- only that the pay should be reduced.  And on the contrary the books of the Supt. at Winchester show (See exhibit "A" hereto attached) that the pay was reduced to $15. and not to $10.  to commence on April 1st 1866.  The  form No. 2 for this period on file at the Hd. Qrs. of the Asst. Comr. agree with exhibit A, and Oscar's memorandum book also herewith forwarded, likewise exactly agrees with the accounts of the Winchester Office.  It is therefore perfectly clear that Mr. Tukey's explanation is not founded in truth, as for the two months of April and May and subsequently, Oscar was entitled to $15. per month instead of $10.  Mr Tukey says that as Oscar was discharged on the 10th of July, on the assumption of the diminished rate of $10. per month commencing the 1st of April, he was enlisted for the whole time to $83.85 his memorandum book showing the receipt of $80.00 and Mr. Tukey thinks Oscar has neglected to put down the odd $3.85.  But for the same time at the rate of $15 per month from the 1st April, Oscar was entitled not to $83.85 but to $100.
   Mr Tukey was relieved from the duties of Asst. Supt. on 19th May 1866 and some of the later payments were not made by  him, but by Lieut. Cook.  Mr Tukey entered the office as Clerk on the 1st July 1866.
   The exact charge which Oscar makes, that