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his property, their cost would not properly be chargeable in this transaction except perhaps the sum of nine dollars alleged to have been expended in repairs made necessary by hauling. He says that he paid out of his pocket $88. though he only rendered the amount to the Trustees as $80. independent of mason work costing eleven dollars, of which he made a present. It is, not clearly stated that the above sum of $64. spoken of in connection with the private wagon &c. is or is not a part of the sum of $80. charged the Trustees, but leaving that out of the question Mr Tukey does not now give any details about the $80.- though he says he had Bills made out by the parties who did the work and handed them receipted to the Trustees.

The latter refused to pay the amt of $80. and finally compromised with Mr Tukey for $40. by which the latter says he is a considerable loser.

It will thus appear that Mr Tukey while Asst. Supt. entered as a individual into an unwritten contract with the Trustees to repair their church and used government lumber which was turned over to the church for that purpose. The very irregular and reprehensible order of Major How that he should render no unnecessary explanation respecting the lumber as Asst. Supt. cannot of course apply to his business arrangement with the Trustees of the Church.  There is hardly any transaction known to me which would have been more likely to produce complaint and accusation, and in which a full and clear settlement at the time would have been

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-02 12:10:01