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Exhibit A.

Memorandum of Cash paid Oscar Morris, Messenger at Staunton, Va, while in Sixth District, Dept. Va-

[[5 columned table]]
| When Paid | For what months | Amount $ | Amount cts | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Feby 25, '66 | Jany 16-31, '66 | 10 | 00 | Employed Jany 16, '66 |
| Mch 20, '66 | Feby '66 | 20 | 00 | Pay reduced to $15. to commence April 1st, '66 |
| Apl 15, '66 | Mch '66 | 20 | 00 |   |
| May 18, 66 | April '66 | 15 | 00 |   |
| June '66 | May, 66 | 15 | 00 | In May, Maj. How was mustered out and transferred to his successer to Maj. Remington (tho' his cash book having been taken away by him it does not appear) and on the county of Augusta being transferred to Capt. Lacy his pay due for same was transferred to Maj. White, on Form 53. - There is, of course, no record here of when he was discharged - |