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to make it up, to which he promptly replied "No by no means." My only regrets in the matter are, that I did not at the time get a release in writing from the Trustees from paying said claim, and that Mr. Camell is now absent from Town and unable to give his testimony upon these points.

As to the statement made by Oscar Morris with reference to his pay, I beg leave to say, that at the time he was employed as messenger in this Office, I had never been furnished with a letter book for the purpose of recording Official Business. Consequently there are no records by which to get at the facts, but think however, reference to the pay rolls will set the matter all right. be that as it may, this is the first time that Oscar has ever mentioned the subject, to my knowledge, and he never at any time, asked me for what he claims for the balance of his pay, or said one single word that he thought he had been wronged or unjustly dealt with. and I never was more surprised in my life than when I saw his statement made to you upon the subject and can only explain the matter in the following manner.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-01 10:39:18