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thirty ($30) dollars, and a sett of double Harness for which I paid about eleven ($11.) dollars. and then had to expend twelve ($12.) dollars more on the wagon, and two ($2.) dollars on the Harness before they could be used. - This wagon was used in hauling all the lumber to the Church, and was so badly broken to pieces in the operation that I had to expend according to the best of my recollection about nine ($9.) dollars to have it repaired again, making a total of about sixty-four ($64.) dollars, that I had paid out of my own private - funds.

With reference to repairs on Church, I beg leave to say, that about the time they got ready to commence work on it, I found that they had partially contracted with a man to do the work for them, for, I think, one hundred and twenty ($120.) dollars, which seemed to me to be an exorbitant price and I advised them not to pay it, and told them I thought I could have the work done so it should not cost them over seventy-five ($75.) dollars.

And they requested me to go ahead and do it, which I did, paying out of my own pocket eighty-eight (&88) dollars, without any security whatever, but simply their verbal 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-01 15:28:27