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Bowling Green, Mo.
June 13th, 1867.

Col. F.A. Seely,
A.Q.M. &c,

Dear Sir;

Your letter of inquiry to the Post Master of this place, under date of the 11th inst, has been handed to me for answer as to the present whereabouts &c, of the three children of Chapman Michie.  The oldest of the three, viz: Louis Jefferson Michie is dead.  The other two, viz; James Wyatt Michie and Jane Michie now live with their mother, Caroline Michie in this Town. - The mother bears a good reputation, and is raising, the two youngest children well.

I know them well - They lived with me about 12 years up to last year, when the mother purchased a home of her own, in this Town.

Hiram G. Edwards, their master while they were in slavery, also lives here -

We brought them here, and can give any information concerning their identity.

Believing that I have given all the information called for in your