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horse was turned in to the  Quartermaster, yet Tomlinson was convicted of the stealing, and notwithstanding an order was issued to the Court by order of Gen. A.H. Terry to release the man, the order was disobeyed by the Court, and I am informed by the former Asst. Supt (Mr. Tukey) the man is still held.
  3d  A complete register of marriages has been made for the County of Augusta, but not on the Bureau Blanks, as yet no Register has been made for Highland County.
  4th  It is the intention of both Counties to care for the indigent freedpeople, but the means at their disposal are meagre, that it is impossible for them to do so properly.
  5th  The demand for labor in both Counties is greater than the supply, and the average rate of wages is abut $10 per month.
  6th  The condition of the four schools in Staunton is very satisfactory in regard to number and improvement, and the teachers are efficient and competent.  These schools are the best in the Valley, and the fact that Staunton, with a less population than Winchester, has a much larger attendance of pupils, and a more rapid improvement in studies, is in itself, the most flattering compliment that can be paid to the teachers in the former place.
  A pressing demand for schools at