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The undersigned has received no more than what was previously mentioned as paid him by Capt Massy, nor does he know that it would be right to receive any more as rent under the present circumstances, and he will also state he and others do not consider; that he would be intirely safe in going on his farms among these Freedmen; as some influence has been exerted to imbitter them against him. And he is informed, that Capt Massy has refused to allow the same to be paid in this office, as he no regards the tenancy is purely an individual & private matter between the Freedmen and himself, which opinion would be correct, if Capt Massy had not of rented out his land, and prescribed the terms thereof.

The undersigned will now say, [[strikethrough] that if the same [[?]] Freedmen [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] — that these Freedmen should not be inconvenienced to the extent they would be, by their removal at this advanced period of the year: but respectfully asks, of Genl Brown, to cause his complaint to be examined into, and the terms of tenancy in said communication herewith enclosed, to be so altered as to compel the freedmen to pay him for his fire-wood, and instead of the compensation being $5.. without the privilege of fire-wood to be $10... with the privilege of fire-wood, and the agent give him [[strikethrough]] what [[/strikethrough]] such assistance here, as may be necessary, to collecting the rent, and the Freedmen notified by him, and made distinctly to understand, that they must leave & turn over the land to the undersigned, by the 15th of December next.

The undersigned regards the inclosed communication from Capt Massy of much value to him, and requests it bee returned

Respectfully submitted
Stafford H. Cooke
May 1st 1867

NB. If it is decided to be purely [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] individual & private please say so, as the undersigned wishes to know clearly the views of the Genl., that his future course may be at one pursued & [[strikethrough]] hopes it will be right [[/strikethrough]]

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