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could not come about without taking things. She said she would not go away till she got ready. I then told her repeatedly to go on away that was all I cared about it. She did not go but turned towards my house and repeated that she would not go till she got ready. I said I don't want any of your abuse. She would not go away but continued her abuse and I fell afoul of her. This affair happened on the plank walk near my house. 

William, to, Martin

Sworn and subscribed before me the 20th day of July 1867
M. S. Hopkins
Bt. Maj. 1st Sb. V.R.C. &c

Mr. Benj Creel being sworn states that he was present at the time of the difficulty between Mr. Martin and Matilda Watson and that having read the above sworn statement of Martin he swears that it is correct except in regard to perhaps one particular he does not recollect whether it was a hag pen or gate that was mentioned as nailed up with the hammer by Matilda    Benjamin Creel.

Sworn and subscribed before me the 20th of July 1867
M. S. Hopkins
Bt. Maj. 1st Sb. V R.C.&c