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Freedmen Agency
Staunton VA. June 28, 1866

Board of Agents met in accordance with call of Lt. Gen. T. Cook 24 H.E.C. Asst Supt.
Gen T. Cook - Reorder

Care of Joseph Harrison 
James E. Carson

Care having been tried at former meeting and adjourned to wait the arrival of Deposition from Jacob Thomton of Highland Co. Ohio the Recorder Lt. Gen T. Cook Asst. Supt here produced the Deposition of said Jacob Thomton. The Court after mature deliberation upon the voidance adduced decide  that the Defendant James E. Carson pay to the Plaintiff Josesph Harrison, freedman, the sum of Thirty five (35) dollars and ninety five (95) cents with Interest to the first of June 1866 to the amount of five (5) dollars and eleven (11) cents 

Signed Wm J. Dews. 

True copy from original
second B.of A. Fol, v2/66

Thos P Jackson

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-05 10:44:58