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Received August 11th 1867 four hundred and eleven dollars and eighteen cents (411.18) in full of W. F. Reynolds for all the boating I have done for him from 1861 to 11 of August 1865.
(Signed) John H Walker 
I certify that the above is a true copy of the receipt shown me by W. F. Reynolds 
signed, Marcus I. Hopkins 
Bvt. Maj &c

I do hereby certify that Henry Woodson was always considered a slave & I believe was a slave up to the time the negroes were liberated under the Prest proclamation in 1865
H.J. Magruder, J.P. 
Fluvanna County 7 Sept/67

This is to certify that Henry Woodson was a slave until slaves were emancipated by the presidents proclamation and that he has not boated any lumber or done any other work for Mr F. Reynolds since the year 1867 Sept. 10th 1867
J.O. Hawley 
Union Mills Fluvanna

M.420. R.F.&A.L. Va. 2d Vol. 1867.