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Culpeper Ct Ho Va
August 27th 1867

Capt. Wm A MacNulty, A.S.A. Comr
In compliance with your request we have the honor to report the number of paupers at this Institution, to be Twelve  eight whites, and four coloured, all of which are unable to do anything in the way of support, from old age, and other defects of body or mind, with the exception of one who is the only help we have, having no funds to pay for labour, and we now owe about one hundred dollars for labour. 

We have house room sufesant [sufficient] to accomodate thirty paupers, but unless we can collect the levy made by the County Court for the support of the poor, do not see how the present number of paupers are to be provided for much longer. The levy made by the County Court for 1866 we have been unable to collect from the Sheriff and is still in his hands. 

The levy mad for the present year of three hundred dollars will not be due till this fall, and there is still a debt of several hundred dollars due Thomas C. Freeman steward, of the poor for services as steward, and supplies furnished the poor, all of which is most respectfully submitted to your honor

We are Sir very Respectfully
Your Obd. Servts.
Enoch Jeffries Comr, C.P, Institution
Thos C Freeman, Steward of Culpeper Poor