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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.
Office of Act. Inspr Gen'l Dist. of Va.
Richmond, Va., Sept. 16th, 1867

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown,
Asst. Comm'r.,


In obedience to S.O. No. 100, dated 11th inst., from your Hd. Qrs., 2 proceeded to Farmville, and investigated the causes and extent of the recent disturbance at that place, between the U.S. troops and Freedmen, and I respectfully submit the following Report.

I invited 2nd Lieut. A.R. Egbert, 21st Ifty, com'd'g the Post and the Company, there on duty, and Maj. J.W. Jordan, V.R.C, Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.V., A.S. A.C. of the Bureau for that Division, to be present during my examination of witnesses, and to furnish me with the names of all persons they desired me to examine. Those officers gave me cordial co-operation in my investigation.

I forward, herewith, sixteen affidavits of witnesses, comprising all the classes in the community, divided, as follows: four are local magistrates: five, non-commissioned officers

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