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and took them to camp under guard. [[strikethrough]] many [[/strikethrough]] all the privates were placed in guard house & non came off. put in arrest.

[[strikethrough]] Lt Win [[/strikethrough]] Parker was shot before I got to the point with patrol. There was no fighting after the patrol arrived. All the soldiers above named not belonging to the patrol were intoxicated.

By Lt Egbert's orders I took another patrol about 12 to town. everything then was quiet. Abt 10 minutes after the soldiers were arested and the crowd dispersed at the first patrol Lt Egbert came to town and met the patrol where we were guarding the soldiers back to camp.

Col. Jordan was present at the time when the first patrol reached the ground on Tuesday, he was endeavoring to disperse the crowd and separate the negroes from the soldiers.

At the time of 2d patrol Tuesday I ordered arrest of one negro named Lee who was pointed out to me as the man who struck McCann, he stated to me one of the patrol struck him and brought him to a halt with musket. I sent him under guard to Lt Egbert.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-04 13:20:10