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Bureau R.F & A Lands
Hd. Qrs 2d Div 4th Sub Dist Va
Goochland A. House Va. Dec 5 1867

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O Brown
Asst. Comr State of Virginia


I have the honor to report to you The Murder of Henry Brown, Freedman, by William Thompson, White, Which occurred at this place Nov 24th 1867.

The Murderer was at once arrested by me and placed in the custody of J.M. Trevelean a J.P. the next day following Who committed him for Murder and sent him on for further trial.  At the commitment trial The following facts were Elected:  That Thompson had said several times during the day that he was going to kill some one, some darned Nigger.  That Thompson was watching out as soon as it grew a little dark in the evening and seeing some one going by hailed, who went there! - and was answered Henry Brown, Whereupon he raised his gun and attempted to shoot, but the cap exploded without discharging the load in the gun