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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
Head-Quarters Assistant Commissioner, District of Virginia,
Richmond, Va., Feby 20th 1868. 

Novr 1st 1867. Thomas P. Jackson Bureau Agent, Staunton Augusta County, Virginia.
Reports cases of Assault upon Freedmen.

Decr 4th 1867. Instruction from these Head Quarters to Report what action had been taken in the four cases of Assault with Pistols 

Dec 11, 1867. T.P. Jackson in answer to Instructions from these Head Quarters dated Dec 4th 1867-
Reports the case of 
Patrick O'Toole 
for Assault on Hartley Baker (Colored) with a Pistol. Also - that he had presented the same to the County Atty. of that County for Presentation to the Grand Jury for their action - 

Jany 13th 1868 - Communication from County Atty, stating that he thinks the Town Authorities had taken up the case. (It appears that no action was taken by Gd Jury-)

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