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Norfolk, Va. Feby 27th 1867
Brvt Brig General Orlando Brown
Actg. Asst Adjt Genl U.S. Army
Bureau RF&AL
Richmond, Va.
The undersigned white Union citizens having heard with regret that Captain Austin has been ordered to another post, relieving him from duty here, would respectfully request a reconsideration in the matter, and, if not inconsistent with the exigencies of the service, to make no change at present.
We would further respectfully state that through our own personal and individual knowledge we consider him the best officer and kindest of gentlemen in charge of the Bureau here since we were deprived of your presence amongst us by your removal to a more extended sphere of usefulness.
Hoping that this our sincere and unbiased petition will not be construed by you into an undue interference on our side in official matters, we remain
Very respectfully
Wm Raggs
late Lieut 3d N.Y. Arty

William Benson
Wm R Jones
Chas. E. Rice
W.W. Wing, Postmaster
A.J. Morrisett, P.O.
E.F. Lauch P.O.
Wm E Clegg P.O.
Z. Sykes

Thomas French
George W. Johnston of Norfolk, Late U.S.N.
L N Miller
A.E. Surdo
W.J. Fogarty
J. Jones
Lewis W. Webb, Collector of Customs
M. Sullivan
MH Sterns Asst P.M.
Sam D. Campbell