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To General Brown, Asst. Comr. Bureau of Freedmen & Abandoned Lands.

The Petition of George W. Parker, of the County of Isle of Wight, in the State of Virginia respectfully sets forth the following case:

1. Your petitioner is the owner in fee of a farm in Northampton County, Va, situated about 8 miles north of the Court House, containing about 186 acres. A certificate of the Clerk of Northampton County Court, duly authenticated, is herewith exhibited as evidence of title, marked A.

2. For several years previously to the breaking out of the late war, your Petitioner has allowed Ann M. Powell, the mother of his wife, to use and occupy said farm, upon her agreeing to pay taxes, and keep down the interest of a mortgage upon the same of $1500:00c to Mary Harmanson. The said Ann M. Powell remained in possession as tenant as aforesaid until the 1st of April 1865, when she was required by Edward Hartley, Asst. Special Agt. of the Treas'y. Dept. to take a lease from him of the premises, upon the terms of her paying taxes, and keeping down interest of the said mortgage, which she accordingly entered into. A duplicate of said Lease is herewith filed, marked B.

3. On the 28th day of Sept. 1867, the said Ann M. Powell received a notification from Geo. P. Sherwood, 1st. Lieut. 42d Infty. Asst. Sub. Ast. Comr. to pay over to him the rent of