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No. 2.
The witnesses for the defence were the three prisoners the one for the other two, also Sophia and Suckey Wooden, the wife and daughter of Sandy Wooden, and Albert Powell (white).
The facts of the case as by evidence produced in the Court at the time of trial were as follows.
Armistead Hatchell a white man, and in appearance a poor degraded drunkard, swore that one of the three prisoners with whom he was well acquainted, went to his house about 10 o'clock at night, called him and asked him to walk as far as the fence and take a drink, when he got up and locked the door, went in his shirt and drawers to the fence, and took the drink out of a bottle, and that the other two of the prisoners dragged him over the fence, and the three them took him two miles from his house, and kicked him all the way to a place, near a creek, and tied him by the wrists to a tree, raised his shirt over his head, and let down his drawers, and there did beat him with whips cut from the bushes near by for one hour and a half. That John Edmonds and Richard Wooden cut the whips while Sandy Wooden whipped him. That after whipping him for one hour and a half they then untied him and let him go. That he was unable to reach his home until two hours by sun the next morning, on account of the said whipping. That he never had any trouble or dispute with either of the prisoners, except, that on Saturday the day before the night of whipping, Sandy Wooden told him at Chuckatcuk that his (Hatchells) steer was in his (Satchells) field, when he (Hatchell) told him

Transcription Notes:
11.6.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review