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Madison County to wit:
To W D Fry constable of said County. I command you in the name of the Commonwealth of Virginia to summon Lucy D. Carpenter to appear at Rochelle in the said County the 6th day of May 1867 before me or such other justice of the said County as may then be the where to try this warrant to answer the claim of John J Robinson in debtinue for one calf, two years old, dark brown, some black about the head and & legs, weighs about 200 lbs has horns, not exceeding the value of $50.00/100, which the said Jno J. Robinson claims to be his property & which as he alleges the said Lucy D. Carpenter unjustly detained from him, and have then and there this warrant Given under my hand this 6th day of May 1867
James A Reid J.P.

Transcription Notes:
11.7.2023 - "debtinue" -> "detinue" = "a legal claim to recover wrongfully detained goods or possessions."; Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review