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L B "A" 142.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands'
Office, 1st. Div., 1st Sub-District, Va.
Norfolk, Va.  July 24th 1867.

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Com State of Va


I have the honor to request that Transportation be furnished Rose Reddick and her Child (a Girl) Kity, aged 7 years, from Norfolk Va to Washington D.C.  She left Washington D.C. on 16th inst to look up her Children who lived in Princess Ann Co Va, on the Boat coming down some person stole her valise containing her Clothing and Ten 50/100 Dollars in money.  She is now here among Strangers without means of returning to her home which she says is in the Colored Orphan Asylum on 7th St Washington D.C.  If she remains here she is liable to become dependent on the Government for support.  She states if transportation is furnished her she will be able to support herself and Children in Washington D.C. and that Mr John Steward in charge of the Orphan Asylum refered to will corroborate her statement.  

Very Respectfully  Yr Obt. Servant
Ed. Murphy  1 Lieut V R C
A.S.A. Com

thro Hd Qrs 1st Sub Dist Va.