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Wakefield Sept. 30th 1867

Captain J.F. Wilcox,
Dear Sir,
In reply to your of the 26th asking for certain information, I hasten to furnish you with such as is in my possession.

As to the binding of Boling Andrews to Dr. Nicholson, I know nothing, except from hear-say.   Dr. S. Nicholson told me that had the indentures and stated, the same on the receipt when I paid him.  I  will try and get the indentures for you, or such other information in the case as I can procure as soon as practicable.
The condition of Polly Andrews and family when I took possession of her children (which I did by her frequent entreaty) was one that would tax the imagination to conceive and almost defy description, so far as I could judge from observation or learn from her statements: they were entirely destitute of every necessary of life, not knowing when they had eaten one scanty meal, where they would get the next, with clothing entirely insufficient to hide their nakedness.  So miserably wretched and starved, was their appearance, when I brought the first one to our house my wife and her mother wept tears of sympathy over their miserable condition and had it not been for what I did for them, I know not how they would have long survived.
The Indentures in relation to Sharper Andrews and Jacob Andrews were made between myself

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-08 10:47:50 to correct eight typos.