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N.B. The within statements are made to the bet of my recollection and contain all the facts so far as remembered
Respectfully Yours
(sgd) J.W. Wilson

Sussex Co. To wit:
THis day personally appeared before me J.W. WIlson and made oath to truth of the above statement given under my hand this 30th Day of Sept 1867.
(sgd) L.F. Bain J.P.

I hereby certify that at the time I indentured Sharper Andrews and Jacob Andrews the family were in a starvation condition and that it was with the full consent of the mother Polly Andrews and the terms were agreed upon by herself and Doc Jno. W. Wilson 
Sworn and Subscribed  before me this 3rd day of Oct. in the year  1867
(signed) J.W.S. Lee
Overseer of the Poor
5th Dist Sussex Co.

J.J. Dillard J.P.
Sharper Andrews bound to J.W. Wilson 11th of April 1864 until he is 21 years said Sharper Andrews is now 10 years of age and Jacob Andrews was bound some date and is five years of age.
(signed) J.W.S. Lee O.P.
(signed) Nicholas Burt O.P.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-08 11:00:05