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Bureau R F & A L
Office of A.S.A.C
Richmond Va 6 Aug 67

Respectfully forwarded to H Paul R Hambrick Actg S.A.C. 3rd Sub Dist approved
Benj Wevook
Bv Capt & A.S.A.C
1st Div 3rs Sub Dist

Bureau R.F and AL
Head Qr's 3d Sub Dist
Richmond Va Aug 7/67

Respectfully forwarded to Brvt Brig Gen'l O Brown Asst Commsr Va approved.
Paul R Hambrick
Lt 45th Infty Asst Sub AC

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands,
Head Quarters Asst. Commr. State of Virginia.
Richmond, Va., August 7, 1867.

Respectfully forwarded to Maj: Genl O.O. Howard Comr approved, and with the request that Mr. Rawduis appointment as clerk in this Bureau be revoked
Garrick Mallery
Capt & A.A.A.G.
In absence of Asst Comr

2.V. 191. 67}

revoke he having tendered his resig-
