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1st Division, Norfolk Co

[[left margin]] Norfolk Co. [[/left margin]
Including also the Wise Farm situated in Princess Anne Co, Lieut. Ed. Murphy V.R.C. Asst. Sub Asst. Commissioner

1st  The general condition of the Freedmen is good although not so uniformly so as in the other Divisions as the Cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth, like most of the cities of the South, contain many idle, worthless negroes who have flocked there during and since the War.

2nd  There is still great difficulty experienced in the freedmen getting full and impartial justice in the Civil Courts, in cases where they are interested against whites.  The principal difficulty in this respect arises from the prejudice existing in the minds of Jurors

3rd  The Registration of Marriages is as complete as it is practicable to make it  The requirements of the (4) four paragraphs of Circular No 11 have been carried out faithfully.

4th  The County Authorities are both willing and able to take care of their poor, without regard to color.  The cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth express a willingness to do so, but plead poverty.  It will probably be necessary for the Bureau to aid the Freedmen in these cities during the coming winter.

5th  The supply of labor is a very little in excess of the demand

6th  The Schools in this Division are all enjoying a vacation  There is a prospect of increased prosperity during the coming Autumn and Winter.  Several new schools will be started.