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Record of Proceedings before Military Commissioner Lt. R. G. Rutherford at Burkeville Va, during Month of November 1867.
[[8 columned table]]
| Date of Trial | No of case | Complainant | Defendant | Character of action or complaint | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision or Action of Commissioner | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| November 21st 1867 | 1 | Albert Williams | G. E. and R. R. Cockrane. | Complainant alleges that he has been imposed upon by Defendants in being induced to trade his share in the crop of corn and Tobacco for a horse | Evidence showed that Plaintiff was at work with Defendants under contract for a share of the crop, that he made the trade with them for the Horse, but that there had been a misunderstanding between the parties throughout the transaction. Plaintiff's share of crop was worth considerably more than Defendants Horse. Plaintiff had left Defendants farm with the horse for about a month. No bill of sale was passed | The trade for Horse is declared off and Albert shall return him, go to work again in the crop and receive his share of the same according to contract. He shall pay for the use of horse one half the time he has had time at 50 cts per day and for the hands employed to do his work while away and their Board, also for the Board of his son Billy | No costs. |

I certify on honor that the above is a full and correct record of cases tried by me during month of November 1867.

R. G. Rutherford
Lieut 45th U. S. Inf.
Military Commissioner