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Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Office Asst Supidt.
Burksville, Va. Dec 31st 1866,

Bt Brig Gen O. Brown,
A.A. Adjutant Gen'l,

I have the honor to report that, on the evening of the 10th Nov 1866. a Freedman named Henry Abernathy was severely stabbed by a Dr Cox of Lunenburg Co, Va at Lunenburg Court House; without any cause whatever. The Freedman complained to Mr Hatchet a Magistrate, who summoned Dr Cox, to appear. Upon the preliminary examination Dr Cox was acquitted and discharged, and the case dismissed. on the ground that, "Dr. Cox was drunk at the time he committed the deed, that he possessed no malice against the Freedman, and that he regretted it." I desire to state, that I am personally responsible for this Report, and am prepared to substantiate it.

Respectfully Your Ob'dt Servant.
D. Jerome Connolly.
Brvt Capt. U.S. Vols.
Asst Supidt.

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