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Record of the proceedings of the Court Established in Lunenberg County Viginia by Authority of "Special Order No. 41" Head Qrs Asst. Comr Bureau R.F.& A.L. Dated Richmond Virginia April 1st 1867} Report of Cases tried during the month of May 1867.

[[8 columned table]]
| Date of Trial | No. of case | Complainant | Defendant | Character of Action or Complaint | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision or Action of County | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| May 13th 1867 | 1 | Ben Lann | Thos. Bradshaw | Illegally retaining the personal property of Plaintiff | Plaintiff sold watch to the Defendant promised the difference but did not pay it in time | Judgement that the Defendant should return the watch to Plaintiff upon payment of the sum of $10.00 | No Costs received |

| May 13th 1867 | 2 | James Stokes | Adam Bell | Sues for compensation for services rendered | Services were rendered and Deft. admitted it | Judgement for Plaintiff in the sum of $52.00 and costs | No costs received |

| May 13th 1867 | 3 | Prince Stokes | Adam Bell | Sues for compensation for services rendered | Services were rendered and Defendant admitted it. | Judgement for Plaintiff in the sum of $45.00 and costs | No costs received |

| May 13th 1867 | 4 | Joseph Forrest | Adam Bell | Sues for compensation for services rendered. | Services were rendered and Defendant admitted it | Judgement for Plaintiff in the sum of $45.00 and costs | No costs received |

| May 13th 1867 | 5 | Nelson Hurt | Adam Bell | Sues for compensation for services rendered | Services were rendered and Defendant admitted it | Judgement for Plaintiff in the sum of $34.00 and costs | No costs received |

| May 13th 1867 | 6 | Benjamin Jefferson | B.H. Harriss | Claims Compensation for services rendered | Services were rendered and Defendant admitted it | Judgement for Plaintiff in the sum of $5.00 and costs | Defendant paid costs of court $1.00 |

| May 13th 1867 | 7 | Munford Cutler | R.L. Crowder | Sues for compensation for services rendered | Services were rendered and Defendant admitted it | Judgement for Plaintiff in the sum of $45.00 and costs | Defendant paid costs of court $1.00 |

| May 13th 1867 | 8 | John Tisdale | Edward Gee | Sues for compensation for work done | No fraud proven, but a fair settlement between parties | Case dismissed without costs |

| May 13th 1867 | 9 | John Wilson (Col'd orphan) | E.E. Williams | Claims that Indenture Bond binding him to defendant be annulled on ground of harsh treatment | Case Continued |
