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Henry P.O
Sussex Co Va
June 7th 1867

General Schofield

Dear Sir,

I take the liberty of writing to you inregard to a colored woman that I have living with me by the name of Lonraney Parker she came to my house last September and stayed with a colored family that is living on my farm until two months to Christmast and then I hired her until Christmast after I hired her her husband came and wanted her to leave she refused to own him as her husband and also refused to leave I then refered the matter to Capt Tracy who told her that under the act of the Virginia Legislature that was passed on the 24th of February 1866 she was his wife but there was no law to compell her to go with him if she did not wish to go then at Christmast I hired her for the present year for fifty dollars I understood that her husband claimed her hire for this year and she refused to let him have it so on the 24th of April I saw Capt Wilcox inregard to the matter and he told me to pay the  hire to her on yesterday June 6th I received a note from Capt Wilcox requesting me to pay to her husband twenty five dollars of her wages when it become due she still refuse to let him have any part of her wages po I most respectfully solicit your opinion in regard to the matter as soon as you can convenintly do so