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B.278 (Bur RR&c 2nd S. Dist Va) 1867

Bur R F &c Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr
Richmond Va Apl 27. 1867.

Mallery Garrick
Capt. & A.A.A.G.

Desires that Lt. Clinton be instructed to aid John Cuttenden (cold) of Tower Hill Powhatan Co. to bring his case before Civil Courts for the recovery of a bond for $600 and other monies, from Jas M. Harris of Janito near Powhatan C H Va. That in April 1865 Harris received the bond, as Cuttenden understood to endorse interest paid but hes never returned in since and refuses to do so. He also ows $300 additioanl &c.

[[stamp]]Received Office Sup 2 S. Dist. Apr 29 1867 [[/stamp]]