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In answer to the charge I beg leave to state that some years ago Jno Crittenden then my slave who had been greatly indulged by me and suffered to do as he pleased and had for that reason been enabled to get some Money asked me to take charge of $600 and keep it or invest it for him - I told him I did not want the Money myself, but took it and placed it in one of the Savings Banks in Richmond & permitted him to receive the interest  or draw it and handed it to him - after some time the condition of the savings Banks was thought to be doubtful and I was advised to withdraw the Money which I did and offered it to him - he said he did not want it and had no use for it and begged me to keep it for him

I told him I did not want the Money but at this urgent request agreed to keep it for him and at that time gave him a Mere Memorandum of the amount (not a bond or any thing like a bond) and every year afterward up to the year 1865 paid him a part of the Money as he wanted it - generally about $40 a year - It was his habit every summer (though my slave) to go to the Salt Sulphur Springs and when he started he came to me for Money to pay his expences and I handed him the $40 which was about what