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Both of these children, to my own personal knowledge, were sent to school all last winter, and are treated with the tenderest care. I have seen both children, and when I told them they would probably have to return to their parents, they said they would not leave their present homes, and burst into tears.

Mr. Walters and Mr. Dickey own Farms adjoining each other and the children who are twins, are together every evening.

There is not the slightest desire on the part of the above named gentlemen to keep the children away from their parents. They only wish to have the truth known and not be misrepresented by this man, who now calls himself Stott, but whose name is really Pinn. He changed it when he became a deserter.

Knowing the exact condition of these children, I most respectfully recommend that they be allowed to remain where they are, for the present at least.

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
(signed) William S. Shields
Lt. & A.S.A. Comr