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was no antagonism of interest, except the natural antagonism between capital & labor, and explained what that meant. I read Senator Wilson's speech delivered in Petersburg, which I heartily endorsed, and the 6th Article in the platform of the Republican party which assembled in Richmond several months since, which I also endorsed, proclaimed myself in sympathy with the Republicans, and denounced in strong language the Democrats as the worst enemies the South ever had, and as now doing incalculable injury.

Being a Republican after the Henry Wilson and Horace Greeley school, I could not, and would not advise the negros to vote with their employers, unless I was satisfied their employers would vote for Republicans, and only those who would adopt a constitution acceptable to Congress. I have always been opposed to President Johnson's plan of restoration,  because I did not think it constitutional, and did injustice to those who conscientiously supported the late Confederacy, and was the first in this neighborhood to support the Congressional plan, as more just to the South, and calculated to allay sectional strife.

I know of but one person in this vicinity, capable of so vile a slander, and I have made him my enemy by sundry acts of Kindness, and because he could not use me as a tool to accomplish his villany.

I know not what Col. Barnes reports to you, further than what he told me, but if not satisfied, I pledge myself to prove its falsity by every person present on that occasion capable of understanding plain English language, and hope you will feel it is consistant with your 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-12 16:40:38