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Estimate of Rations required for Employees and for Sick, Indigent and Destitute Refugees and Freedmen in the Second Sub-Dist. State of Va. for the month ending August 31st 1867

[[6 columned table]]
| Designation | No of Persons | No of Days | No of Rations Employees | No of Rations Destitute | No of Rations Sick in Hosp |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Employees | 28 | 31 | 868 |   |   |
| Destitute | 220 | 31 |   | 6820 |   |
| Sick in Hosptl | 165 | 31 |   |   | 5115 |
Total | 413 | 31 | 868 | 6820 | 5115 |

J R Stone
Bt Major and Sub Asst Commr
Bureau RF & AL

Hd Qrs 2d S. Dist Va
Petersburg Va July 24, 67