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\\upper left corner\\ On and after FRIDAY, July 12th, the Passenger Trains of the N. & P. R.R. will leave Petersburg daily (except Sundays) at 3 00 P.M.
Arrive at Norfolk at & 7 00 P.M.
[[illegible]] [[upper left corner]]

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Petersburg, Va., September 5th 1867.

Bvt Brig Genl. O. Brown
Asst Comm Bu R F &c Va
Richmond Va

General: -
In compliance with Circular No 16, C.S. H.Q. Asst Com Va, I have the honor to enclose herewith Reports of the number of Freedpeople, by name etc, subsisted by the Bureau in the Counties of Prince George and Dinwiddie and the City of Petersburg. The Civil Courts of Prince George and Dinwiddie Counties, and the Common Council of Petersburg have received positive orders from me as Mil. Comm. to place at the disposal of the Overseer of Poor, the necessary funds to keep the indigent. The Overseers of the Poor have also been instructed to make requisition for funds and assume the care of the indigent. Copy of proceedings of the Common Council of Petersburg attached to this letter. In my opinion the indigent will be cared for.

Very Respty
Your Obt Svt
J R Stone
Bvt Major and Sub Asst Comm
Bureau R F & A L

(3 encls)