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Report in compliance with Par. 1. Circular No 10, from Head Quarters, Bureau R.F. and A.L. State of Virginia dated Richmond Virginia June 8th, 1867, concerning Cases disposed of by the Mil Comr 6th Division 2d Sub District of Virginia.

[[6 columned table]] 
| Number | Parties to Action | Nature of Complaint | Date of Trial | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Bristol Bluford Freedman ~ Vs ~ Jun R Gilliam "White" Buckingham Co Va | Unlawful seizure & restoration of a Horse, the property of the U.S. which horse had been taken up, an abandoned property, by the Plaintiff, and subsequently, without proper authority, taken from him, by the Defendant. | Aug 8 1867 | In April 1865 the Plaintiff bought from a U.S. soldier a horse, paying for him five dollars in money, and a small quantity of meal, dried fruit, molasses, and a few doz Eggs - he lent this horse to the soldier, to ride up to the main road, with the horse, to his home, was met by some other soldiers, who took the horse from him. He complained to an Officer who advised him (B) to fall in behind the trains, and take his chances in getting another horse, which he did successfully & shortle after furnishing a horse, (saddle & c) lying along side the road, exhausted. He took his horse, and after [[incurring?]] him & feeding him on food, gathered up around the deserted Camps, succeeded in getting him into a pleasing condition when he loaned him to a Mr. Davidson for a few days. While Mr | That the horse in question in Govmt property, and that under existing orders, the Plaintiff having taken it up as abandoned had the right to retain it until orders are given by proper authority for its final disposition, and that Defds had no authority to take said property from Plaintiff Ordered That the horme be returned to Platff and he enter into Records for $100 to retain in his possession and safely Keep the paid horse until called for by proper authority |